Parents: Looking After Yourself as a Parent

TOPIC: Looking after yourself as a parent! WHY: We often talk about parents needing to look after themselves, but why is it so important? Firstly when we have healthy and happy Mums and Dads it is much easier to have happy and healthy children. Further, we know from the evidence that parents of children with…

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Why do therapists want me to use visuals at home?

TOPIC: Why do therapists what me to use visual and visuals*  at home?? *We mean visuals as pictures, photos or symbols of something or someone. WHY: Visuals are a great way to explain to someone what is happening or going to happen. They also don’t require verbal language to understand them (think road signs or…

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Visuals – why we love them (and the evidence)

VISUALS  This month the review of the evidence is all about our favourite resource in the world – VISUALS!! RESEARCH There is a large body of evidence linking cognitive and physical disabilities with externalising problematic behaviours (Visser et al., 2015; Artemyeva, 2016; Giltaij, Sterkenburg & Schuengel, 2015; Poppes et al., 2016). In particular, the literature suggests…

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Relaxation – What is the evidence?

RELAXATION This month the review of the evidence is all about something to follow on from the bullying update – Relaxation. You can check out all things Mental Health on our page here! RESEARCH All children worry. Researchers have suggested that this worry is in part due to the fact that childhood is full of…

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Why are therapists family focused?


TOPIC: Why are therapists family focused? Why do we have to be involved? WHAT: Therapists talk about being “family centered” or “family focused” all the time. What does it mean? Why are therapists family focused?   WHY: We know that children learn the best off their parents. That is because they love their parents and…

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Children with additional needs accessing hospitals – What does the evidence say?

WHAT DOES THE EVIDENCE SAY? Children with additional needs accessing hospital and emergency departments.  Through each developmental stage, children interpret, comprehend, and process the world in a variety of different ways. Children and adolescents having to be treated in hospital, especially children with additional needs, can find the experience of being poked and prodded by…

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Why does therapy cost so much?

TOPIC: Why does therapy cost so much? WHAT: Therapy is expensive! Depending on your child’s needs and who you see for how long, it can add up. Therapy is denfined as “treatment to relieve or heal a disorder”. When we talk about therapy at LHA we are referring to Occupational Therapy, Speech Language Pathology, Psychology,…

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When to ask for help?

TOPIC: When to ask for help? WHAT: It can be hard to know what is ‘typical’ for children and what is ‘expected’ and ‘unexpected’. How are parents meant to know when something isn’t ‘normal’? Of course there is no hard and fast rule though there are some tips that might help. There are so many…

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