Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are so tricky to learn! First we have to have all our gross motor skills working before we can work on our fine motor skills. 

Fine motor starts when we are new-borns grasping for our parents fingers, and develops to feeding ourselves, drawing and eventually writing. Fine motor refers to the small muscles in our hands and arms.

Information on Fine Motor is listed below.  Read about how to improve fine motor skills here!

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fine motor

Ready to find out more?

We have a hand information sheet on how to build fine motor skills, as you know by now, they are only one A4 page, simple and easy to read and use visual to help supplement the written information!

Finger Gym

Why we love it ♥

This program promotes the development of school readiness skills, and includes areas such as organising work space and tools, maintaining a sitting position, following visual and auditory directions, asking for help if needed, initiating and completing tasks, and maintaining attention.

Who’s it best for ‽‽

Therapists and Teachers

Cost  £ $ €

$200 upwards, but well worth it! Especially for practices or schools.

⇒ Where to get it?

Click on the image to order directly through our Affiliate Amazon Link!

Letter Formation for Little People

Why we love it ♥

Developed by an Occupational Therapist, this easy-to-use resource contains an early childhood approach to developing positive letter formation skills. Available in both a cursive and foundation font.

There are several other programs in this set that are great for learning about writing skills! 

Who’s it best for ‽‽

Parents, and Therapists

Cost  £ $ €


⇒ Where to get it?

Click on the image to be taken their website directly!

Do to Learn

Why we love it ♥

Do2learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioural regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills.

Who’s it best for ‽‽

Parents, and Therapists, Teachers

Cost  £ $ €


⇒ Where to get it?

Click on the image to be taken their website directly!

Sparkle Box 

Why we love it ♥

Sparklebox offers a wide range of free printable teaching resources as well as books, CD’s and other resources for purchase. A personal favoutrite - so many free printables!!!

Who’s it best for ‽‽

Parents, and Therapists, Teachers

Cost  £ $ €


⇒ Where to get it?

Click on the image to be taken their website directly!

Your Therapy Source

Why we love it ♥

A great website to be aware of. It contains lots of great OT information and free stuff!! Great lists of links and information for those working in paediatrics.

Who’s it best for ‽‽

Parents, and Therapists, Teachers, Support Workers

Cost  £ $ €

FREE - $100, depending on what resources you buy. 

⇒ Where to get it?

Click on the image to be taken their website directly!

Sense Lang (Typing Program) 

Why we love it ♥

Lots of great typing tutorials for kids who are learning to type!!

Who’s it best for ‽‽

Parents, and Therapists, Teachers

Cost  £ $ €


⇒ Where to get it?

Click on the image to be taken their website directly!

The Therapy Store

Why we love it ♥

A great website to be aware of. It contains a variety of great fine motor resources and ideas about what might help developing those fine motor skills!!

Who’s it best for ‽‽

Parents, and Therapists, Teachers, Support Workers

Cost  £ $ €

Dependant on what you buy!

⇒ Where to get it?

Click on the image to be taken their website directly!